Polynesian/Taino tattoo with military logos
This is a custom tattoo created by me, Juno, tattoo designer on web, for a customer of this web: JunoTattooDesigns.com, the best …
Custom Tattoos | Sleeve tattoos and more here...
Tattoos made to order totally online
This is a custom tattoo created by me, Juno, tattoo designer on web, for a customer of this web: JunoTattooDesigns.com, the best …
What are tribal tattoos? We can say that a tribal tattoo is a tattoo with solid black lines, solid areas in black …
Some clients ask me:”Juno, I’m from Puerto Rico – or Republica Dominicana – can you create a custom tattoo for me in …
Taino/Polynesian tattoos: “Mixed” style What does a “Taino Mixed” tattoo mean? Some clients from Puerto Rico or Dominicana (or with their roots …
Tattoos with Taino roots created by Juno, tattoo designer Taino tattoos are chosen by clients who wish to honor their Antillean roots …
Esta es mi pagina en Español para aquellos interesados en tener su diseño de tatuaje en estilo Taino, Boricua, Azteca, Inca, o …